Aims & Objective

The broad aim of teaching of undergraduate students in pharmacology is to learn the principles of the action and drug-uses, to gather good amount of information and inculcate a sound studio and rational basis of therapeutics.


  • Describe the Pharmacodynamics and pharmaco-kinetics of essential and commonly useful drugs.
  • Describe the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of commonly used drugs
  • Discuss the use of appropriate drug/s in some common diseases with consideration of efficacy, safety, convenience and cost from viewpoint of
    • Individual patient's treatment
    • Mass therapy under national health programmes
  • Describe the pharmacological basis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of common poisons.
  • List of drugs of addiction and recommend the management.
  • Classify environmental and occupational pollutants and state the management issues.
  • Indicate the care needed while prescribing drugs in special medical situations as pregnancy, lactation, infancy and old age.
  • Apply the concept of rational drug therapy in pharmaco-therapeutics.
  • Understand the concept of Essential drugs.
  • Understand the basics about the development and introduction of new drugs.


  • Prescribe drugs for common ailments on the basis of efficacy, safety, cost and suitability i.e. rational prescribing.
  • Recognize the adverse reactions and interactions of commonly used drugs.
  • Develop the analytical skill on observations of experimental studies with the drugs and drug bioassay.
  • Develop the analytical skill to look into various common pharmaceutical preparations and critically evaluate drug formulations.


Practical knowledge of use of drug in clinical practice will be acquired through integrated teaching with clinical departments and pre-clinical departments.