
The goal of teaching pathology is to provide undergraduate students comprehensive knowledge of the causes and mechanisms of disease, in order to enable them to achieve complete understanding of the natural history and clinical manifestations of the disease.

Educational Objectives


At the end of one and half years, the student shall be able to

  • Describe the structure and ultrastructure of a sick cell, the mechanisms of the cell degradation, cell death and repair.
  • Correlate structural and functional alterations in the sick cell.
  • Explain the Patho physiological processes which governs the maintenance of homeostasis, mechanism of their disturbances and the morphological and clinical manifestation associated with it.
  • Describe the mechanisms and patterns of tissue response to injury to appreciate the Pathophysiology of disease processes and their clinical manifestations.
  • Correlate the gross and microscopic alterations of different organ systems in common diseases to the extent needed to understand disease processes and their clinical significance.
  • Develop an understanding of neoplastic change in the body in order to appreciate need for early diagnosis and further management of neoplasia.
  • Understand mechanisms of common haematological disorders and develop a logical approach in their diagnosis and management.


The student shall be able to:

  • Describe the rationale and principles of technical procedures of diagnostic laboratory tests.
  • Interpret diagnostic laboratory tests and correlate with clinical and morphological features of diseases.
  • Perform simple bedside tests on blood, urine and other biological fluid samples.
  • Draw a rational scheme of investigations aimed at diagnosing and managing common disorders.
  • Recognise morbid anatomical and histopathological changes for the diagnosis of common disorders.


At the end of one and half years, the student shall be able to integrate the causes and mechanisms of disease most prevalent in India with their natural history for the understanding of their clinical course and management.