SURAT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND URBAN AREA Final Figure of Census - 2011 and After Extension of City Limit in 2020

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Description Total Population Number of Children in age
Group 0-6
Number of Literates
(% literates)
Decennial Growth in % age
(Population in 2001)
(Per Sq.K.M.)
SuratMunicipal Corporation Total 4466826 549810 3442541(87.89%) 55.29 %
Male 2543145 304122 2042459(91.22%)
Female 1923681 245688 1400082(83.44%)
Surat City : Out Growth Area Total 34784 3893 26018(84.23%) 40.24 %
Male 22658 2143 18113(88.29%)
Female 12126 1750 7905(76.19%)
Surat City : Urban Agglomeration Total 89636 11155 67991(86.63%) 91.66 %
Male 53570 5982 43021(90.40%)
Female 36066 5173 24970(80.83%)
Total Surat City Urban Agglomeration Total 4591246 564858 3536550(87.83%)   55.74 %
N. A.
Male 2619373 312247 2103593(91.18%)
Female 1971873 252611 1432957(83.35%)