Clean Air Pledge

I, Citizen of Surat city herby pledge to take all the possible action to reduce the emissions in Surat city by 20 percentage by 2024 and provide full support to governing authorities in order to improve air quality in the Surat city by taking following actions:

  • I will walk or ride bicycle to go nearby areas.
  • I will compost bio-degradable waste at home as far as possible to reduce waste.
  • I will carry cloth bags while going to shopping/Market.
  • I will switch off fans/light while not in use.
  • I will place air purifying plants like Tulsi, Aloe vera, Money plant, Snake plant and other plants at homes, schools and nearby areas to improve air quality.
  • I will use Public transport as far as possible.
  • I will avoid single use plastic.
  • I will not burn any waste.
  • As far as possible I will recycle and reuse things in daily life.
  • I will Encourage citizen to take the Clean Air Pledge.
All fields are mandatory.
OTP will be sent for verification