Air Quality Management Cell
- Introduction
- National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)
- The Fifteenth Finance Commission
- Memorandum of Understanding with TERI
- Emission Inventory & Source Apportionment study
- Clear Air Action Plan
- Clean Construction Manual (22,049 KB)
- Continuous Ambient Air Monitoring Stations
- Air Quality Implementation Committee
- Air Quality Management Cell
- Clean Air Pledge
- Swachh Wayu Survekshan
- Monthly Progress Report Of Air Related Projects
- Results of Air Quality in Surat City
- Complaint Grievance System
- IT based Emission Inventory System
As many departments from Surat Municipal Corporation are working on various project related to air quality improvement. So, for co-ordination and smooth communication with all department, under the provision of section 53(3) of the BPMC Act 1949 and the Guideline issued by MoEF & CC, Air Quality Monitoring Cell has been established. As per office order, the said cell should work under the direct administrate control of City Engineer, Surat Municipal Corporation.
AQM Cell
Fifteenth Finance Commission
Nodel Officer- Ketan B. Desai I/c Executive Engineer (CE Spl. cell)
- Grant and Finance related work pertaining to 15th finance Commission
- Look after the work for developing the City plan /DPR, for capacity development and address infrastructural issues for meeting SLBs as per to 15th finance Commission recommendation, in co-ordination with AQM cell
- Jwalant N. Naik: Environment Engineer
- technical Aspect of entire DPR
- Implementation of Solid waste projects
- Co-ordination with Ministry pertaining to technical Aspect of 15th finance Commission
- Act as Nodal Officer for NCAP
Hareshkumar M. Gadhiya: Drainage Department (Environment cell)
- Setting up the Air quality monitoring station.
- Preparation of various baseline reports as per requirement of 15th Finance Commission.
Samirkumar C. Patel: Hydraulic Department
- Operation and maintenance of all air quality monitoring stations established in the entire Surat city.
- Vrushank D. Vaghela: BRTS/Traffic Cell
- Mudaasar M. Shirgar: Road Development Department
- Snehal B. Kaniya: Bridge Department
- Nikunj P. Modi: Garden Department
- Identification and implementation of project under 15th Finance Commission
- Submission of respective Progress report as and when required to City engineer special cell.
- Submission of respective Utilization Certificate as and when required to City engineer special cell. Re- appropriation of respective department project(if required)
Click here to view View Air Quality Cell Order.
Under the National Clean Air Programme, each department of the Surat Municipal Corporation has undertaken several initiatives to enhance air quality till 2025. As a result, there has been a significant improvement in air quality. Below are the department-wise details:

- In 2019, Surat Municipal Corporation has Planted more than 1, 75,000 tress for increasing green cover which reduce carbon emission in city. Surat Municipal Corporation has saplings and created oxygen park, Ashokvan in city garden.
- Surat Municipal Corporation has planned development of lakes/lake gardens / gardens & Bio-Diversity Park in 108 hectors for next 5 years that will contribute hugely in improving air quality of the area. Surat Municipal Corporation verticals gardens have been created at all possible locations.
- Under NCAP grants Surat Municipal Corporation create green buffers along road corridors in city.

- A major concern of air pollution in city is the road dust that is generated as suspended particles during cleaning the roads. Traditionally, sweeping of roads is done manually, which causes the dust to remain floating in the air for some time, thus increasing the amount of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the air. SMC working with 21 numbers of sweepers Machine are in the operation and 392 KM of road has been covered with the wet spraying machine.The attached brush instigates dust particles and the suction machines collect the dirt and prevent floating of suspended particular matter in to air.SMC has planned to increase 16 Nos. of Mechanized Sweeper Machines.
- For areas catering heavy vehicular movement as well as areas experiencing water logging issue, bituminous roads using shredded Plastic waste as per IRC standards are being constructed by Surat Municipal Corporation. Till date approximate 100 ton of waste plastic has been used in road construction by Surat Municipal Corporation.
- During Construction of Cement Concrete as well as bituminous roads, to ensure natural minerals like aggregate available from the existing pavement are not wasted, excavated aggregates are being used in base and sub-base of road construction. Also construction & demolition waste is used for construction of road works.
- RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) Material obtained from Milling Different Roads within Surat City is utilized for providing Patch work material for Road Repairing works. The use of RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) Material has been done for producing Approximate 8000 M.T. Patch work material by Surat Municipal Corporation.

- Surat has so many bridges so Surat is known as the city of bridges. Surat has around 120 bridges, reducing traffic congestion in the city. Thereby, reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by traffic delays and construction equipment operation.
- Surat has planned Retrofitting of junctions for traffic control at 59 places and to construct 114nos Flyover as part of Air Pollution control Projects.

- Passenger vehicles are a major pollution contributor, producing significant amounts of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and other pollution. Transportation contributed more than half of the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons emitted into our air. So, Surat Municipal Corporation introduces BRTS system as mass transportation to reduce individual vehicle use and that reduce air emission also.
- In Surat total of 230 PUC centres are currently operational in Surat and Total 5009 challans issued for lack of PUC certificate during 1-4-2020 to 30-3-2021 to reduce air emission.
- Under this project Surat Introduction of new electric buses (with proper infrastructure facilities such as charging stations) and CNG buses for public transport which will reduce plying of private vehicles on road and help to curb tail- pipe emissions. Presently 12 nos of electric buses are in operation And 150 nos of electric buses tender work under process.

- Solid waste disposal contributes more than twice as much (9.7% of total) pollutant. SMC will focus on emission control in biomass burning activity, dead animal treatment, collection and treatment of solid waste generated in the city to reduce air emission.
- SMC is collecting almost 1800 MT/day of waste in the segregated manner from Door to Door Vehicles.
- Around 1500 TPD capacity of Centralized Municipal Solid Waste Processing Plant has been commissioned at the Khajod Final Disposal site Wet waste is been converted to compost using traditional wind rose method and 8 Nos. of Manual MRF (Material Recovery Facility) Centre are established in city for treatment of Dry Waste and it is been converted in to Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF).SMC has planned increase households processing their wet waste at Home/ Community Level SMC has planned to implement other Resident’s welfare association (RWA) for segregation and for onsite processing of waste at source under 15th Finance commission.
- SMC decentralized waste management systems at bulk waste generators (BWG) SMC has planned to establish 5 TPD capacity Bio methanation and Incineration plant with suitable technology for collection, treatment and processing of offal waste including small and big dead animals for the period of 20 years.
- SMC Planned for Augmentation of the Existing RTS and adding MRF facility at RTS and Replacement of the existing system of Collection & transportation of municipal solid waste & garbage from the city limit by appropriate alternative method.
- SMC has planned to construct other plant for the recycle products requirements with advance technique and will also upgrade existing plant with new and better technique. And also planned to construct central sale store for recycle product as per need.

- SMC Regularly desilting and cleaning of municipal drain is carried out with help of machines. SMC already purchased 115 drain cleaning machineries and work at different zones wise.
- SMC has planned to purchase 67 machineries as per zone wise requirements. Process of purchasing of 39 machineries already started. SMC gave work order of 4 nos recycler machine with 7 years O &M. This way prevent production of foul gases in the air and reduce air pollution.
- As a result, projects to enhance air quality should be conducted by several departments of the Surat Municipal Corporation, and an Air Quality monitoring Cell has been established to coordinate the various departments.